Tuesday 23 June 2020

E-commerce Web Development Market Trends in 2020

Every New Year brings new website development trends and business owners need to stay updated according to the latest trends. 2020 brought new advanced technology and web development trends for E-commerce websites. With the rapid change in technology customers are also evolving and their need from the business is also changing. As per a survey, 21.55% of the world’s population are shopping from online and in upcoming years the digital buyer will rise to over 2.14 billion. Web Development Company based in Utah is also focusing in the new E-commerce web development market trends in 2020.

Online e-commerce competition is high enough in nowadays, new market trends are hitting E-commerce business every day. To give a boost to your online business you can’t ignore some trends in 2020. According to the sources, The US consumers were projected to spend $586.92 billion on e-commerce in 2019, it is showing a 14% increase from 2018 and comprising 10.7% of the total US retail spending. The most amazing fact is 80% of internet users in the US also have purchased something at least once online.

Since the last decade the market size of e-commerce is growing and growing, on that time it was $1.34 trillion and reached $2.84 trillion in 2018, and it is expected that it will grow up to $4 trillion by 2020 and it will reach up to $4.88 trillion by 2021. Worldwide, the number of e-commerce stays in the range of 12-14 million. In this huge market, one needs to stay always updated with market trends and web development trends.

AR (Augmented Reality)

Till the last couple of years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important parts of the web development industry for the last couple of years. AR or Augmented Reality will play an important role in the growth of consumers by creating a connection between the real and digital world. AR is being used by online business owners, so their customers will be more interested to buy their products. E-commerce makes up shops like Sephora also websites like IKEA are using Augmented Reality to give their customer a better experience.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence helps online stores a lot by giving their customers a personalized shopping experience also it helps those stores to find their target audience based on their search. By this, you can send texts or notifications to your customers based on their previous search or interest.

Web development company based in Utah are using this trend to make an efficient, adequate feature-rich website. So many CMS are available Magneto is also one of the most preferable of both in case of developers and also to business firm owners.

Voice Search

Alexa, Cortana, Siri, Google Assistant are helping people to search or doing this by just listing their commands, they don’t have to type or anything. So if it is possible to use Voice Search in the e-commerce web portal, customer experience will be better than ever.

Social Network

Social networks are one of the most powerful platforms and selling products or services on those platforms are usual now. Social Networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter you can do branding, advertise your products, and it is a common practice for customers to buy products from those platforms.


Chatbots are one of the most popular technology not only in e-commerce websites but also for other websites. It can answer the common questions for 24*7. It is always not possible to answer the questions of the customer for 24*7 through customer support, in this case, Chatbots helps a lot.

Mobile Payees

Customers who do shop online, look for payment options like Google Pay, Apple Pay, Facebook Payments, Paypal, etc. To stay updated you must have multiple payment options like digital payment methods also Crypto-Currencies are popular among the customers.

Research Online Purchase Offline (ROPO)

ROPO system is one of the most trending, people search for their choice online but they can buy it from online, by saving their data. The competition is huge in the e-commerce market, many merchants are using platforms that are developed on Magento CMS for a better experience.

Future of E-commerce

The future of E-commerce industries is bringing more advance techniques in web development. It was also a big moment when Amazon testing drone deliveries in the USA, with integrating Google Maps, those drones van identify the shortest route to the delivery destination. There is no denying that Drones will be an important part of so many retail businesses.

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