Friday 11 September 2020

How to Implement AI on Mobile App Development?

AI is one of the most promising technologies which can bring huge changes in mobile app development. While we are talking about improved business relations, expectations and growth, Artificial Intelligence got all the highest points which can’t be avoided for making a meaningful impact in technology.

This technology is designed to change the way people uses their electronic devices and conduct business. As we all know artificial intelligence has the ability to learn, it is being used for expert systems, speech recognition, machine learning, and machine vision. As per the 2019 CIO survey by Gartner the total number of companies which implemented Artificial Intelligence on their system has grown by 270% in the last four years and 37% only in last year. Mobile app development company Utah is also implementing AI.

Important Facts About AI

Artificial Intelligence has different kind of techniques like machine learning, deep learning, and data parsing, learning from previous experience and making prediction for future reference.

  • By 2030 Artificial Intelligence will put at least $15.7 trillion on the global economy as per some recent report.
  • We all are familiar with AI powered various products like Alexa, Smart TV, Siri etc.
  • Products we buy online, sometimes are suggested by AI, for example we all know every application has a for you page, and it is personalized by AI, and it is different for every person. It is created by learning their buying habits, brand they prefer etc.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Implementing on Mobile Apps

  • Artificial Intelligence Has The Ability to Do Repetitive Works Fast

The one thing people always hate is doing a work over and over, and at some point it can be really annoying. It kills the productivity and waste a lot of time, now by implementing AI mobile app development companies can look after on more important things, also it will higher the creativity and they can also able to solve the real time problems.

  • Proper Accuracy

Implementing Artificial Intelligence is one of the best way to get a product with perfect accuracy, where there is even a little bit chance of a mistake. The whole code base can be wrong with a small numerical error. In today’s industry these kind of mistakes can’t be done.

  • Increases Efficiency

There are always some heavy works which require more time like designing the application, or creating important API etc. With the AI process monotonous works can be done by creating smart robots, who can work for hours without getting tired.

  • Customer Comfort

AI is very much implemented in our daily life, for example you can take Google Assistance, Alexa from Amazon and Apple’s Siri.Customer satisfaction is always necessary like with the chatbot customer service can be provided for 24*7. Also the “for you” page can be quite helpful, as that is personalizing the customer experience.

  • Mobile AI and Retail Customers

In the retail market AI technology has started blooming. Huge retailers provides large number of their customers AI, as they are implementing AI into their brands. Business applications get user info from online traffic, mobile devices, POS etc.These algorithms are designed to learn about new data and latest trends which help apps to design more personalized notifications. These kind of engagements will help brand to connect more with customers.

  • Business And Client Interactions

As AI is going to merge with their system business will change the number of the engaging customer numbers. AI learns about client’s choice, trends and process those collected information in to accurate solutions. When customers get the help they want companies need to integrate AI in to their customer service strategy. If you are starting your new business you must integrate that with AI, and if it is not possible there is a high chance you can fall behind in the market.In simple words companies which will adopt the AI system will be more competitive and productive in the future.

  • AI Apps

Mobile apps which have implemented AI provides a personalized customer experience. The main principal of AI is to collecting data from user and understand the behavior of user and provide him a personalized experience.

AI has a major role to play in the market. It can give more output in less input. AI will take over repetitive, tedious jobs and also will increase efficiency.

Need any assistance? Get connected with our team.

Related Topic: Mobile App Development Trends for 2020

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