Friday 29 March 2019

The Reinvention of Mobile Technology with AI and Chatbot

The future is going to witness an era of highly revolutionized, customer-centric mobile development. There are so many trends coming up in mobile development that aim at streamlining user experiences and customer engagements through advanced technologies. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots are readily transforming businesses, assisting them to face many challenges and improve their relationships with clients. Chatbots are now found in a wide number of applications like Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Telegram, Slack, Duolingo, Babylon Health, Mitsuku, Penny, Lark, Health Tap, Florence, Holmes, Trulia, Drift, etc.

AI & Chatbot: App Development Utah

The modern market is experiencing the springing up of many new mobile applications with AI and chatbot incorporated. The juxtaposition of AI and chatbots will pave the way for stunning and more capable mobile applications.

Some Important Chatbot Statistics

Here are some important estimations about chatbots:
  • By 2025, the global chatbot market will reach $1.23 billion, as predicted in a report of Grand View Research.
  • As per the Mobile Marketer research, about 40% of young adults tell they use Chatbots on a regular basis.
  • According to Oracle, eighty percent of businesses demand chatbots by 2020.
  • Greater than 10,000 chatbots are used along with Facebook Messenger.
  • 53% of buyers prefer to shop with stores that allow personalized chats.
  • Foye had anticipated that banks can make ninety percent of their communications automated through chatbots, by 2022.
  • As per the Opus Research Findings, it has been expected that enterprises will invest $4.5 billion in intelligent assistants by 2021.
  • Gartner has anticipated that eighty-five percent of customer interactions will be carried out without human intervention by 2020.
  • As per Gartner, 50% of enterprises will invest more in building chatbots than on primitive mobile applications.
  • Juniper Research has predicted that chatbots have the capability to reduce business expenses by $8 billion by 2022.
Chatbots give more astute reactions in a regular conversational tone. Chatbot is now considered to be a remarkable feature by every mobile app developer, Utah.

The Requirement of AI and Chatbots

We know that most businesses have customer support centers, where customer agents are appointed to cater to numerous customer needs and queries and offer valuable feedback. In order to make these customer services prompt and answer-ready, someone has to be available every time to instantly reply to the customer. In this case, often employees are hired on a shift basis, some may serve in the morning shift, some in the evening, some at night. Thus, it requires the hiring of many skilled personnel. What if this entire job could be handled by robots? Chatbots can make it possible, giving way to automated customer services, which can be faster, cost-effective and error-free. These chatbots can be answerable to the customers 24*7. Also, most users prefer chat communications over calling customer services.

Chatbots also enhance the efficiency of messaging apps. The user no more needs to type something and wait to get the reply from a human in the other end. The chatbot is there is give an instant reply. Thus, chatbots boost up business-client conversations. This brings businesses closer to their customers, through constant interactions and engagements.  Utah app developers are thus integrating chatbots in a large number of interactive business applications.

How Chatbots and AI Enhance Mobile Apps?

As already mentioned, the blend of AI and chatbots can simplify and perk up customer communications. Unlike humans, the chatbots will never be uninterested at any point of the conversations. Moreover, it will gain customer insights like customer’s preferences and dislikes, from the chats.

Chatbots can have numerous use cases like getting instant answers during emergencies, solving complaints, providing detailed solutions to problems, paying a bill, etc. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence are the magic potions that infuse added advantage to mobile applications.

Google Assistant, Siri, etc. have already made our lives easy. We tell them anything and they will accomplish the task for us. And this is exactly how the future of chatbots look like. They can order our breakfasts, play our favorite tunes, book doctor appointments, find the best stores, suggest the perfect matches, the list is endless. Chatbots will become our bosom friends, knowing what we like and admire. They will suggest everything personalized, by customizing everything as per user choices. It is going to make the usage of mobiles more enthralling. App developers are acknowledging the wide advantages of chatbots and Artificial Intelligence that leads to swift and advanced deployment of chatbots across various activities. Incorporation of chatbots and AI into apps is easy and enables smart usage of mobile features, and also add other useful components as per the needs.

Industries that Largely Employ Chatbots and AI

App developers in Utah are increasingly looking up to building more and more chatbot incorporated app across various industries for enhancing businesses. Some industries that utilize Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots on a large scale are as follows:

E-Commerce and Customer Support: Chatbots are soon going to take the place of the primitive, and not a fully reliable practice of customer agents answering queries over the phone. The customers will not need to cluelessly hover around E-commerce websites for the right tool or product. The chatbot will be the sole and one-stop solution to all of these.  An excellent example here is the ShopBot by eBay. Statista has estimated that more than thirty percent of enterprises worldwide have incorporated Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots in their websites.

Publishing and News:  Chatbots will highly revolutionize the media industry. These chatbots will help businesses learn about the reader’s or viewer’s taste of news and contents, and provide personalized suggestions and notifications, accordingly. A chatbot integrated mobile app has been launched by CNN, which can also be added into Facebook Messenger, for receiving regular updates.

Healthcare: There are trained chatbots that can act as virtual doctors, providing solutions for ailments. It is not always possible to physically visit the doctor. Moreover, doctor appointments are expensive. There are many chatbots that have come up to suggest remedies for ailments that are not very severe, e.g., normal sneezing. The demand for healthcare chat apps are growing and thus, development of these apps are in high demand for every iOS and android app developer, Utah.

Real-Estate: Real-estate chatbots can provide personal recommendations in real-time about where to buy the next house, the amenities around, number of rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Holmes and Trulia are good examples here.

Travel: A good trip planning needs a lot of factors to be taken into consideration. The right tourist spots, the hotels, train or airfares, everything can be known from the bot. The chatbot can act as a digital tour planner, creating the best and personalized travel plans.
Other industries where chatbots are making considerable impacts are hotels and restaurants, banking and finance, fashion, etc.

The chatbot is the intelligent, impartial buddy, guiding us to take smart actions. If businesses are targeting at enhancing customer communications, and ensuring higher app downloads, then the contribution of chatbot and AI is priceless. Companies need to hire mobile developers who have in-depth knowledge of AI and chatbots for successfully integrating these into mobile applications. This stupendous amalgam of AI and chatbots not only enhances businesses but also gives them a competitive edge. Thus, every modern android and iOS app developer, Utah is putting efforts to harness the terrific benefits of chatbots.

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