Thursday 8 October 2020

Differences between Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligences?

 A lot of happened in the field of technology over the years. Over the years we got machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence. But sometimes it is so confusing to understand the differences between these three things.Which differentiate these things from each other is a clear and compact definition. If we compact them precisely, AI is mainly a computer which can mimic human behavior in some way, ML means a subset of artificial intelligence which consists of the techniques which enable computers, by this it can figure out things from the data and deliver Artificial Intelligence applications, DL means a set of ml which enables computers which can solve more complexity problems. Here we are going to discuss the differences in machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence.

What is Machine Learning?

Before we come to Machine Learning you must know about Data mining.Data mining is a process which includes examining a large pre existing database, extracting information from database, Machine learning also does the same things, we can say Machine Learning is a type of data mining practice.Machine Learning is the main tool which can analyse, understand and identify any kind of pattern in data. The basic idea about machine learning is you can train it to do automated works which can be monotonous for humans. Machine learning is about taking decision with minimal human action.In machine learning it uses data to feed an algorithm which can understand the difference and connection between input and output.When it will be done learning it will have the ability to predict the value or the class of new data point. The basic definition of ML is “ML is a practice of data parsing and learning from that after that applying what they have learnt to make an informed decision.”

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is the implementation of machine learning, It is mainly the sub division of machine learning or moreover artificial intelligence, these are the top most reason in the behind for working capabilities of these machines. The same practice is also go for machine learning, in some places, the difference between these two are machine learning always need some guidance while it is performing the given work and in case of deep learning the model will do that to itself without any interference of programmer. The prime example of deep learning is automated cars. Deep learning has provided the ability to machines to think like humans. When it comes to Machine Learning developers has to fix the algorithm system if the results are not correct. But when it comes to the deep learning, it does all these things by themselves like humans. For example we can take a light, which can be on when the user will say “turn on the light”, the job of machine learning algorithm is hearing the whole conversation and then find that phrase from that conversation, if it didn’t hear the proper phrase it won’t turn on the light, even if you want to.But on the other hand deep learning model will turn on the light even if you say, “the room is dark”, these small but essentials points make them different from each other. Deep learning has the ability to learn from its own while machine learning always needs a developer to operate the program.

What is Artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence stands for mainly implementing human intelligence to machines. Mainly Artificial Intelligence has the border concept of old fashioned Artificial Intelligence, which can be grown in to futuristic technologies like deep learning.A machine completes it’s task or solve problem completely based on the data set which have been already provided, this kind of behaviour is called Artificial Intelligence.  As example this machines can move and manipulate things, recognized things or solve problems.Though implementing AI in our daily lives is kinda going on everyday. There are many AI cases we come through everyday.Artificial Intelligence has three different levels which are.

  • Narrow AI

A narrow artificial intelligence only can do some specific tasks better than a human.

  • General AI

When an Artificial Intelligence arrives in it’s general state, it can do any intellectual work with the same accuracy.

  • Active AI

An active AI is, which can even beat humans in many more works.

Both Machine learning and deep learning are the related contents to Artificial Intelligence, let’s say it is a way of achieving AI. Combining these two will improve the future of AI.The basic idea behind machine learning is that machines can learn without human interaction, machines must learn how to solve problems or find a way to learn to solve the task given by the user.

Need any assistance? Get connected with our team

Friday 11 September 2020

How to Implement AI on Mobile App Development?

AI is one of the most promising technologies which can bring huge changes in mobile app development. While we are talking about improved business relations, expectations and growth, Artificial Intelligence got all the highest points which can’t be avoided for making a meaningful impact in technology.

This technology is designed to change the way people uses their electronic devices and conduct business. As we all know artificial intelligence has the ability to learn, it is being used for expert systems, speech recognition, machine learning, and machine vision. As per the 2019 CIO survey by Gartner the total number of companies which implemented Artificial Intelligence on their system has grown by 270% in the last four years and 37% only in last year. Mobile app development company Utah is also implementing AI.

Important Facts About AI

Artificial Intelligence has different kind of techniques like machine learning, deep learning, and data parsing, learning from previous experience and making prediction for future reference.

  • By 2030 Artificial Intelligence will put at least $15.7 trillion on the global economy as per some recent report.
  • We all are familiar with AI powered various products like Alexa, Smart TV, Siri etc.
  • Products we buy online, sometimes are suggested by AI, for example we all know every application has a for you page, and it is personalized by AI, and it is different for every person. It is created by learning their buying habits, brand they prefer etc.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Implementing on Mobile Apps

  • Artificial Intelligence Has The Ability to Do Repetitive Works Fast

The one thing people always hate is doing a work over and over, and at some point it can be really annoying. It kills the productivity and waste a lot of time, now by implementing AI mobile app development companies can look after on more important things, also it will higher the creativity and they can also able to solve the real time problems.

  • Proper Accuracy

Implementing Artificial Intelligence is one of the best way to get a product with perfect accuracy, where there is even a little bit chance of a mistake. The whole code base can be wrong with a small numerical error. In today’s industry these kind of mistakes can’t be done.

  • Increases Efficiency

There are always some heavy works which require more time like designing the application, or creating important API etc. With the AI process monotonous works can be done by creating smart robots, who can work for hours without getting tired.

  • Customer Comfort

AI is very much implemented in our daily life, for example you can take Google Assistance, Alexa from Amazon and Apple’s Siri.Customer satisfaction is always necessary like with the chatbot customer service can be provided for 24*7. Also the “for you” page can be quite helpful, as that is personalizing the customer experience.

  • Mobile AI and Retail Customers

In the retail market AI technology has started blooming. Huge retailers provides large number of their customers AI, as they are implementing AI into their brands. Business applications get user info from online traffic, mobile devices, POS etc.These algorithms are designed to learn about new data and latest trends which help apps to design more personalized notifications. These kind of engagements will help brand to connect more with customers.

  • Business And Client Interactions

As AI is going to merge with their system business will change the number of the engaging customer numbers. AI learns about client’s choice, trends and process those collected information in to accurate solutions. When customers get the help they want companies need to integrate AI in to their customer service strategy. If you are starting your new business you must integrate that with AI, and if it is not possible there is a high chance you can fall behind in the market.In simple words companies which will adopt the AI system will be more competitive and productive in the future.

  • AI Apps

Mobile apps which have implemented AI provides a personalized customer experience. The main principal of AI is to collecting data from user and understand the behavior of user and provide him a personalized experience.

AI has a major role to play in the market. It can give more output in less input. AI will take over repetitive, tedious jobs and also will increase efficiency.

Need any assistance? Get connected with our team.

Related Topic: Mobile App Development Trends for 2020

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Role of DevOps in Mobile App Development

Mobile application industry is growing every single day. Many tech giants like Netflix, Amazon, Target etc has adopted an ecosystem which is named DevOps. DevOps is the collaboration of two different words which are development and operations By DevOps you can integrate two cross functional teams like development and operations which will make the process simple, secured and faster. This process is a better approach to industry and also it can give more productive results to the market. Many app development companies are going for DevOps for its efficiency like DevOps app development company Utah.

DevOps Cycle

  • Development-In this time developing software or application is taking places continuously. Building an app or software is not a one day job, it takes several days, the delivery of the software get fast and also the development process with the DevOps compact development cycles the development process will be faster.
  • Testing-With the Selenium tool testing team can check the complete application and can find out if there is any bug in the new code.
  • Integration- On some application developers add some prevailing codes in the needed time and integrate that, after this thing testing process happen again.
  • Deployment- Even doing so many application of the deployment process is done on stage, website’s traffic doesn’t get harmed.
  • Monitoring- Operation team always looks after the system behaviour, if there is any change needed or if there is any bug or problem in the production.

Benefits of DevOps

  • DevOps not only provides a great customer experience also increase it.
  • You can simulantly deliver projects.
  • If you want to have higher employee engagement you can use DevOps for that.
  • You can have the benefit of fast bug fixes.
  • DevOps present more stable environment for fast deployments.
  • You can deliver your product faster.
  • DevOps also increase the efficiency of your team.
  • You can have more than enough time for innovation.

Advantages of DevOps

  • Better Applications

In business, we all know how much it is needed for your customer to have a great experience, and how it will help you to brand your business. If your customer is having any problem they can report it and give their feedbacks, also with the regression testing, and clean, clear development process, it will give better opportunity to work on troubleshooting of the errors, it will provides a great customer experience and fast bug fixes.

  • Release

We all know that DevOps helps to increase the teamwork among various different departments and establish the information passing process which will help to release the codes faster.

  • Reducing Bottlenecks

DevOps is a very crystal clear process which will boost the connection in different teams also that will develop better products. Bottlenecks like- the manual testing, lack of ownership, not much having stability in workflow, delayed development process, lack of communication, DevOps can remove all these.

  • Saves Time and A Lot More Efficient

If you have the right environment you can quickly deliver bright features, updates, and also on time bug fixes. The DevOps is completely about automation. It is available for managing codes and SDKs, testing and also monitoring the application in production.

  • Tool Options

When you are building a mobile application, you may need hundreds of tools, for make it perfect. For particular feature of the app, there will be particular tool, and same goes for building, deploying and also testing of that app. On DevOps you can kind find many apps also the big ones like CI. This helps the continuous release and deployment, which will make the application more efficient than ever.

Custom Software and DevOps

In now day’ssoftware industries generic needs are seem to be limited and it is completely of the shelf in the software industry. By the process of DevOps custom made software can fulfil the demands of client and targeted customer. It automates the process makes it faster and deliver’s a high quality customized application.

DevOps not only manage the only aspect of software development but also works on the structure. This is a specalizedapproach to the application industry and it can work on different kind of app development. By implementing DevOps you can improve the quality, better process and also with lot of team works which will improve your employee relations. Many DevOps app development company Utah are looking for this process, mainly for these reasons.

Need any assistance? Get connected with our team.

Related Topic: Collaborating Devops with ML and AI

Tuesday 23 June 2020

E-commerce Web Development Market Trends in 2020

Every New Year brings new website development trends and business owners need to stay updated according to the latest trends. 2020 brought new advanced technology and web development trends for E-commerce websites. With the rapid change in technology customers are also evolving and their need from the business is also changing. As per a survey, 21.55% of the world’s population are shopping from online and in upcoming years the digital buyer will rise to over 2.14 billion. Web Development Company based in Utah is also focusing in the new E-commerce web development market trends in 2020.

Online e-commerce competition is high enough in nowadays, new market trends are hitting E-commerce business every day. To give a boost to your online business you can’t ignore some trends in 2020. According to the sources, The US consumers were projected to spend $586.92 billion on e-commerce in 2019, it is showing a 14% increase from 2018 and comprising 10.7% of the total US retail spending. The most amazing fact is 80% of internet users in the US also have purchased something at least once online.

Since the last decade the market size of e-commerce is growing and growing, on that time it was $1.34 trillion and reached $2.84 trillion in 2018, and it is expected that it will grow up to $4 trillion by 2020 and it will reach up to $4.88 trillion by 2021. Worldwide, the number of e-commerce stays in the range of 12-14 million. In this huge market, one needs to stay always updated with market trends and web development trends.

AR (Augmented Reality)

Till the last couple of years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important parts of the web development industry for the last couple of years. AR or Augmented Reality will play an important role in the growth of consumers by creating a connection between the real and digital world. AR is being used by online business owners, so their customers will be more interested to buy their products. E-commerce makes up shops like Sephora also websites like IKEA are using Augmented Reality to give their customer a better experience.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence helps online stores a lot by giving their customers a personalized shopping experience also it helps those stores to find their target audience based on their search. By this, you can send texts or notifications to your customers based on their previous search or interest.

Web development company based in Utah are using this trend to make an efficient, adequate feature-rich website. So many CMS are available Magneto is also one of the most preferable of both in case of developers and also to business firm owners.

Voice Search

Alexa, Cortana, Siri, Google Assistant are helping people to search or doing this by just listing their commands, they don’t have to type or anything. So if it is possible to use Voice Search in the e-commerce web portal, customer experience will be better than ever.

Social Network

Social networks are one of the most powerful platforms and selling products or services on those platforms are usual now. Social Networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter you can do branding, advertise your products, and it is a common practice for customers to buy products from those platforms.


Chatbots are one of the most popular technology not only in e-commerce websites but also for other websites. It can answer the common questions for 24*7. It is always not possible to answer the questions of the customer for 24*7 through customer support, in this case, Chatbots helps a lot.

Mobile Payees

Customers who do shop online, look for payment options like Google Pay, Apple Pay, Facebook Payments, Paypal, etc. To stay updated you must have multiple payment options like digital payment methods also Crypto-Currencies are popular among the customers.

Research Online Purchase Offline (ROPO)

ROPO system is one of the most trending, people search for their choice online but they can buy it from online, by saving their data. The competition is huge in the e-commerce market, many merchants are using platforms that are developed on Magento CMS for a better experience.

Future of E-commerce

The future of E-commerce industries is bringing more advance techniques in web development. It was also a big moment when Amazon testing drone deliveries in the USA, with integrating Google Maps, those drones van identify the shortest route to the delivery destination. There is no denying that Drones will be an important part of so many retail businesses.

Friday 29 March 2019

The Reinvention of Mobile Technology with AI and Chatbot

The future is going to witness an era of highly revolutionized, customer-centric mobile development. There are so many trends coming up in mobile development that aim at streamlining user experiences and customer engagements through advanced technologies. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots are readily transforming businesses, assisting them to face many challenges and improve their relationships with clients. Chatbots are now found in a wide number of applications like Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Telegram, Slack, Duolingo, Babylon Health, Mitsuku, Penny, Lark, Health Tap, Florence, Holmes, Trulia, Drift, etc.

AI & Chatbot: App Development Utah

The modern market is experiencing the springing up of many new mobile applications with AI and chatbot incorporated. The juxtaposition of AI and chatbots will pave the way for stunning and more capable mobile applications.

Some Important Chatbot Statistics

Here are some important estimations about chatbots:
  • By 2025, the global chatbot market will reach $1.23 billion, as predicted in a report of Grand View Research.
  • As per the Mobile Marketer research, about 40% of young adults tell they use Chatbots on a regular basis.
  • According to Oracle, eighty percent of businesses demand chatbots by 2020.
  • Greater than 10,000 chatbots are used along with Facebook Messenger.
  • 53% of buyers prefer to shop with stores that allow personalized chats.
  • Foye had anticipated that banks can make ninety percent of their communications automated through chatbots, by 2022.
  • As per the Opus Research Findings, it has been expected that enterprises will invest $4.5 billion in intelligent assistants by 2021.
  • Gartner has anticipated that eighty-five percent of customer interactions will be carried out without human intervention by 2020.
  • As per Gartner, 50% of enterprises will invest more in building chatbots than on primitive mobile applications.
  • Juniper Research has predicted that chatbots have the capability to reduce business expenses by $8 billion by 2022.
Chatbots give more astute reactions in a regular conversational tone. Chatbot is now considered to be a remarkable feature by every mobile app developer, Utah.

The Requirement of AI and Chatbots

We know that most businesses have customer support centers, where customer agents are appointed to cater to numerous customer needs and queries and offer valuable feedback. In order to make these customer services prompt and answer-ready, someone has to be available every time to instantly reply to the customer. In this case, often employees are hired on a shift basis, some may serve in the morning shift, some in the evening, some at night. Thus, it requires the hiring of many skilled personnel. What if this entire job could be handled by robots? Chatbots can make it possible, giving way to automated customer services, which can be faster, cost-effective and error-free. These chatbots can be answerable to the customers 24*7. Also, most users prefer chat communications over calling customer services.

Chatbots also enhance the efficiency of messaging apps. The user no more needs to type something and wait to get the reply from a human in the other end. The chatbot is there is give an instant reply. Thus, chatbots boost up business-client conversations. This brings businesses closer to their customers, through constant interactions and engagements.  Utah app developers are thus integrating chatbots in a large number of interactive business applications.

How Chatbots and AI Enhance Mobile Apps?

As already mentioned, the blend of AI and chatbots can simplify and perk up customer communications. Unlike humans, the chatbots will never be uninterested at any point of the conversations. Moreover, it will gain customer insights like customer’s preferences and dislikes, from the chats.

Chatbots can have numerous use cases like getting instant answers during emergencies, solving complaints, providing detailed solutions to problems, paying a bill, etc. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence are the magic potions that infuse added advantage to mobile applications.

Google Assistant, Siri, etc. have already made our lives easy. We tell them anything and they will accomplish the task for us. And this is exactly how the future of chatbots look like. They can order our breakfasts, play our favorite tunes, book doctor appointments, find the best stores, suggest the perfect matches, the list is endless. Chatbots will become our bosom friends, knowing what we like and admire. They will suggest everything personalized, by customizing everything as per user choices. It is going to make the usage of mobiles more enthralling. App developers are acknowledging the wide advantages of chatbots and Artificial Intelligence that leads to swift and advanced deployment of chatbots across various activities. Incorporation of chatbots and AI into apps is easy and enables smart usage of mobile features, and also add other useful components as per the needs.

Industries that Largely Employ Chatbots and AI

App developers in Utah are increasingly looking up to building more and more chatbot incorporated app across various industries for enhancing businesses. Some industries that utilize Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots on a large scale are as follows:

E-Commerce and Customer Support: Chatbots are soon going to take the place of the primitive, and not a fully reliable practice of customer agents answering queries over the phone. The customers will not need to cluelessly hover around E-commerce websites for the right tool or product. The chatbot will be the sole and one-stop solution to all of these.  An excellent example here is the ShopBot by eBay. Statista has estimated that more than thirty percent of enterprises worldwide have incorporated Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots in their websites.

Publishing and News:  Chatbots will highly revolutionize the media industry. These chatbots will help businesses learn about the reader’s or viewer’s taste of news and contents, and provide personalized suggestions and notifications, accordingly. A chatbot integrated mobile app has been launched by CNN, which can also be added into Facebook Messenger, for receiving regular updates.

Healthcare: There are trained chatbots that can act as virtual doctors, providing solutions for ailments. It is not always possible to physically visit the doctor. Moreover, doctor appointments are expensive. There are many chatbots that have come up to suggest remedies for ailments that are not very severe, e.g., normal sneezing. The demand for healthcare chat apps are growing and thus, development of these apps are in high demand for every iOS and android app developer, Utah.

Real-Estate: Real-estate chatbots can provide personal recommendations in real-time about where to buy the next house, the amenities around, number of rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Holmes and Trulia are good examples here.

Travel: A good trip planning needs a lot of factors to be taken into consideration. The right tourist spots, the hotels, train or airfares, everything can be known from the bot. The chatbot can act as a digital tour planner, creating the best and personalized travel plans.
Other industries where chatbots are making considerable impacts are hotels and restaurants, banking and finance, fashion, etc.

The chatbot is the intelligent, impartial buddy, guiding us to take smart actions. If businesses are targeting at enhancing customer communications, and ensuring higher app downloads, then the contribution of chatbot and AI is priceless. Companies need to hire mobile developers who have in-depth knowledge of AI and chatbots for successfully integrating these into mobile applications. This stupendous amalgam of AI and chatbots not only enhances businesses but also gives them a competitive edge. Thus, every modern android and iOS app developer, Utah is putting efforts to harness the terrific benefits of chatbots.

Monday 14 January 2019

Redefining Mobile App Development with Augmented Reality

Augmented reality aims at providing an enhanced and digitalized view of the real-world with the aid of computerized images, texts, sounds, special effects, etc. Augmented reality unleashes great audio-visual experiences with techniques like image recognition through cameras, tracking locations through GPS, usage of ‘touch’ screens, etc. AR is the use of computer technologies to create a clearer, more informative and meaningful version of the real world. It is often confused with virtual reality; however, both have different meanings. Virtual reality creates an absolutely artificial environment. Augmented reality creates a virtually superimposed layer on the natural environment.


The Augmented Reality concept has been popularly accepted worldwide, by the mobile app development companies and the app users. Augmented reality may lead to interesting learning processes in future by virtually portraying the reality, hence enabling better registration of facts in brain. The virtually clear view of the real scenarios can assist in better planning taking up better decisions in the fields of business, economy, etc. The industries that highly benefitting from AR are education, gaming, healthcare, retail, etc. The gaming industry is drawing an impressively large number of users by the creation of AR-based mobile applications. Augmented reality applications are revolutionizing the mobile app development by enabling the creation of realistic, user-friendly, interesting and smarter mobile applications.

Augmented reality has end number of advantages. Firstly, it provides enhanced user experiences through a large number of interactive elements. Secondly, it helps in the optimization of user interactions.  AR combines elements of the physical and the digital to create a computerized version of the real-world, thus narrowing the gap between the real and the virtual world. Locations can be tracked more realistically with Augmented reality-based tracking applications.

With games like Pokemon Go, augmented reality has created an impressive mark, enabling a digital environment interact with the real world. The digital world and the real-world went hand in hand, with the movement of the mobile device through all the real spaces in search of pokemon characters.

Working of Augmented Reality Applications

The implementation of Augmented Reality can take place in numerous ways in a mobile app development company. Some of them are as follows:

3-Dimentional Objects: Augmented reality can form 3-D versions of the objects of any particular environment. For example, when a 3-D version of a particular classroom is created using AR, then there can be simulated digital guide for locating where the switches of the classrooms are, where the chalks are kept, how much of empty space is there in the classroom, etc. This can be achieved with or without the usage of trackers.

Tracking User Location: AR apps can show where exactly the user is by tracking and displaying the location of the user on screen and delivering related results.

Location Based Applications: The AR applications that are location-based employ location detecting features of the mobile like accelerator and GPS to gather information about the user’s location, and displaying that data on the image that gets clicked with the camera of the mobile device.

Markerbased and Markerless Augmented Reality: In case of markerbased AR ( also known as recognition based AR) , markers like QR codes are employed for the creation of digitalized overlays over the real camera-view. Markerless AR apps employ special algorithms for detection of realistic images with any information, which gets displayed with the image overlay.

Augmented reality is gaining huge popularity because of its ability to create highly sophisticated and realistic mobile apps. It is no exception that AR is now utilized on a vast scale by every mobile app developer, Utah. There are many popular tools for developing AR based mobile apps. Some of these tools are ARToolKit, Google ARCore, Maxst, Vuforia, Apple ARKit, etc. The SDK must be selected based on the requirement of the mobile app to be developed.

Augmented reality is used in complicated surgical processes, in supercomputers, in smart phones, in archaeological researches, in video marketing, in video games, etc. Statistica reports say that by 2021, the AR and VR market is anticipated to reach a size of $215. Besides Pokemon Go, there are various other popular AR-based apps across various sectors , like ZooBurst in education, AccuVein in healthcare, etc. Augmented reality may lead to interesting learning processes in future by virtually portraying the reality, hence enabling better registration of facts in brain. Students can be exposed to video classrooms and game-based learning systems. Considering all these factors, it can be aptly concluded that Augmented Reality holds an amazing future in the days to come.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Direct Employment vs. Outsourcing to Technology Company

It's a common phenomena and perhaps human nature to take sides, when we debate among ourselves regarding certain topic and hence get involved in endless arguments! Similarly, the subject of 'Direct Employment versus Outsourcing to Technology Company' is something that is now going on for years. But, if we keep aside all our prejudices for a few minutes and think deeply we will understand the real essence of it all in a much simpler way.

Let me provide a real life scenario. You are a start up with an excellent idea that can capture the imagination of millions of consumer, which can become a big success story, provided you initiate and launch your technology product “in time” into the market. In such circumstances, what should be the next steps? Since, we all know having an idea is not an exception and thousands of intelligent people have them.  Actually the major hurdle in form of multiple challenges (Challenges of different shapes and sizes) comes before us when we start the process of implementing our idea in reality. It can be dilemma of choosing the right marketplace/demographic, then developing the quality product precisely as vision and then of course doing it in time (Just cannot help, but had to mention the time factor once again).

Let us elaborate these challenges a bit more. First is your geographical location. If you are located in a geographical area where it is difficult to find qualified and technically sound developers in your preferred technology (You have decided on this technology after doing a detailed market study) then what are the options left for you? Look for a developer who is willing to travel to your part of the country, who is probably excellent, work as per your advice and deliver in time? Well, if you are lucky enough you might get such a match. But what are your chances? Trust me, it’s less than 20%. For arguments sake I am considering you as one of this 20% lucky entrepreneurs then? Well then the next set of challenges crops up. We can assume that these are early days for your business start up and hence your wallet is not as healthy or fat as you would have liked. This does bring the following complications in the table, which we cannot ignore.

1. Relocation of the developer involves time and money.

2. Your IT infrastructure has to be ready before the developer joins.

3. You might be thinking a single developer will be enough to meet your technological needs, but in reality it's not so. For proper execution of your idea, you will need multiple skills which include but not limited to product design, planning, UI, database implementation, setting up architecture, coding, deployment and so on. Honestly its more complicated than we think initially.

4. The craziest part is the charge recruiters’ demand for such a candidate from you. Sometimes if you select a candidate introduced by a recruiter, you may end up paying him / her around 35% of the first year's salary of the hired candidate and that too in advance.

5. Though, you are already lucky as Obamacare will save you from draining out high medical insurance.

Such a scenario is also applicable, if you are providing web and mobile application services and there is a huge demand for the same in your part of the world and you have very good contacts.
I would rather choose to outsource such work after proper screening of the potential and technological prowess of the company in question through interviews utilizing video calls, checking their references and previous experiences and of course after signing a well written agreement document covering all the necessary clauses.

But what, if the work involved is in a technology where human resource is available locally? Yes, then you can opt for direct employment, if it is available at a cost which is manageable. My standpoint is, outsource your work when it is necessary, to a qualified technology company who even when located at a different geographical region are accessible through various modes of telecommunication as per your convenience and can provide you with quality skill at a reasonable price. Whereas go for direct employment when the resources are available nearby and is within your budget.

Differences between Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligences?

 A lot of happened in the field of technology over the years. Over the years we got machine learning, deep learning and artificial intellige...